Lithuanian Superkoloritas are the winners of the Telliskivi Creative City and Selektor Studio Award

Lithuanian retro-futurists Superkoloritas are the winners of the Studio Award competition by Telliskivi Creative City and Selektor Studio in collaboration with Tallinn Music Week (TMW).

The contest was aimed at musicians who performed at the TMW festival in April 2024. The winner was selected from 33 artists who had applied to the competition for an opportunity to record, mix and master their new music in Telliskivi Creative City, Tallinn.

Superkoloritas are the Vilnius-based duo of Giedrė Nalivaikaitė and Adomas Koreniukas who performed at the TMW 2024 Vikendica showcase in Telliskivi’s Kivi Paber Käärid locale. Known to international audiences also from their other groups shishi and Planeta Polar, they co-create thrilling musical adventures, steeped in breezy beach-pop, space-age nostalgia, vintage surf, echoes of disco, global music heritage and poetic lyrics sung in Lithuanian.

The winners are pleasantly surprised by the award. “Our hopes were not exactly sky-high, considering how many cool and inspiring artists performed at TMW,” says Adomas. According to Giedre, the award means a lot to them: “We are a completely DIY band – from management to songwriting and production. This amazing opportunity to get additional professional support comes at the perfect time as we are already quietly creating stuff for the upcoming EP.”

Both add that they were also moved by the warm reception at TMW and left for home with a feeling that “other great things may happen to us”.

33 applications by musicians from all over the world were evaluated by a jury consisting of Selektor Studio’s representatives Henrik Ehte and Martin Laksberg, Telliskivi Creative City’s founding team Jaanus Juss and Triin-Marie Juss, Marii Reimann from Music Estonia and Eva Johanna Lepikov and Ingrid Kohtla from the TMW team. The jury, impressed with both the quality and uniqueness of the duo’s work and the well-thought-out release plan, rewarded them with maximum points.

The band will record, mix and master an EP with 4 – 6 tracks during autumn 2024 at the Selektor Studio with producer and recording engineer Martin Laksberg.

Laksberg admits that Superkoloritas was one of his firm favourites at the competition: “Their great taste, creativity, cross-genre appeal and musicality, as well as world-class DJ-friendly rhythms were unmissable.” He points out that Selektor Studio would serve as an ideal space for the Lithuanians due to the band’s vast competence, as well as the studio’s ability to provide the duo with equipment compatible with their sound, “We are ready to capture their maximum timeless potential with Hohner Clavinet, Fender Rhodes, Akai MPC3000, and so on,” confirms the producer.


Additional information:
TMW artist profile | Bandcamp | Spotify | Facebook | Instagram | YouTube