Liepos 28-31 dienomis, žydint grikiams, Grybų dvare vyks ketvirtasis DIY (liet. pasidaryk pats) muzikos ir meno festivalis Braille Satellite. Keturias dienas truksiantis festivalis klausytojams pristatys subkultūrinės muzikos legendas, namų prodiuserius bei publikos pamiltas grupes. Išsidėstęs trijose scenose, renginys pristatys įkvėpiantį, už meinstryminės scenos ribų plytintį muzikos pasaulį.
Braille Satellite festivalis yra nekomercinis, jį, nuosekliai vadovaujantis DIY principais, kuruoja ir puoselėja per pastarąjį dešimtmetį susibūrusi muzikos mėgėjų ir DIY kultūros puoselėtojų bendruomenė. Festivalio vyksmą palaiko atlikėjai bei klausytojai iš viso pasaulio, kasmet atvykstantys į Lietuvą iš tolimiausių kampelių. Jie Braille Satellite festivalyje skambančią muziką dažnai vadina „tobulu garso takeliu“ šventiškos laisvės, meno ir muzikos akimirkoms, kurios skleidžiasi vidurvasario gamtos fone. Grybų dvaras nuo sostinės centro yra nutolęs 79 km, tyvuliuoja tvenkiniai, patogu apsistoti palapinėje.
Šių metų programa maloniai nustebins festivalio svečius. Pagrindinėje scenoje muzika skambės nuo ketvirtadienio iki sekmadienio, joje bus galima išvysti tokius atlikėjus kaip Fredi Alberti, Telectu, Harry Marry, Plastic People of the Universe, Ozric Tentacles Electronic, Why the eye?, Quintron and Miss Pussycat, Markus Breuss. DJ scena startuos penktadienį ir pirmadienio rytą šventiškai skelbs festivalio pabaigą – plokšteles suks Sacha Mambo, Alexander Arpeggio, Ece Düzgit, Tim Franklin, Malu Mujer ir kiti puikūs selektoriai. Trečioji, Musikii scena, pavadinta pagal Musikii radijo platformą, kasdien transliuojančią festivalio dvasią atspindinčią muziką (pasiklausykite:, džiugins gyvais pasirodymais. Čia gros Dr. Truna, Roman Hiele, FlussPluss, Francesco Cavaliere, ADN’ Ckrystall, Zad Kokar, Eli Grass, Use’ ir daug kitų. Musikii scena primins pagrindinę festivalio idėją: muzika – meno forma pasiekiama visiems, kurti ir klausyti. Svarbiausia – polėkis.
Braille Satellite festivalį kuruoja Octatanz duetas: Matas Labašauskas ir Oscar Olias Castellanos.
Pasimatykime liepos 28-31 dienomis.
Festivalio programa, atlikėjų pristatymas ir užkulisių akimirkos – Instagrame: @braillesatellite.
Bilietai ir svarbiausia informacija – interneto svetainėje:
Braille Satellite festivalio FB renginys:
The 4th edition of an annual DIY music and arts festival Braille Satellite 2022 will take place in the nature surrounded Mushroom Manor Park, located in Lithuania, on the last weekend of July. As usual, different genres of music will be divided between three stages: The Main one, DJ Stage and Musikii stage. For straight four days, listeners will be able to discover hidden legends of subcultural music, remarkable homemade musicians and new bands from this era as well as other curiosities. The festival aims to present the great bands and performers who create music outside the mainstream sonic world.
Braille Satellite is a non-commercial festival built by a music lovers community which formed and grew within the past decade. From A to Z, the festival action is based on DIY methods and principles. Braille Satellite is powered by people from all over the world that are willing to make this festival happen in the middle of buckwheat blooming season.
Every year the event joyfully results in the great summit of people from all around the world, enjoying the exchange of experiences within a unique atmosphere of festive feeling and freedom. The visitor usually calls the festival music program as a perfect soundtrack for the time spent in the Mushroom Manor park over the weekend. Park location is around 79 km from the capital Vilnius city center, easily reached by train, in the flourishing nature. It has a nice camping area, sheeps, and swimming ponds.
This year’s festival programming will pleasantly surprise the audience. The Main Stage will be running from Thursday to Sunday, representing the essence of the festival with performers such as Fredi Alberti, Telectu, Harry Marry, Plastic People of the Universe, Ozric Tentacles Electronic, Why the eye?, Quintron and Miss Pussycat, Markus Breuss. The DJ stage will be open from Friday, music there will spin until Monday morning, symbolically marking the finish line or four days of festivity. Together with Sacha Mambo, Alexander Arpeggio, Ece Düzgit, Tim Franklin, Malu Mujer – to mention a few. And of course, Musikii stage (called after Radio Musikii, check this out:, will be full of live action, both famous and undiscovered musicians, so called home type studio producers as Roman Hiele, Fluss Pluss, Francesco Cavaliere, ADN Crystall, Zad Kokar, Eli Grass, Don the Tiger, Use’ and many more. Musikii stage will be celebrating the freedom of music composing and performing, which should be accessible to everyone who’s curious to do it. This idea gently summarizes the essence of the Braille Satellite festival as well as other well known projects, built by the same community, who you may already have heard about – Empty Brain Resort and Sucked Orange Gallery.
Braille Satellite is curated by the Octatanz duo: Matas Labašauskas and Oscar Olias Castellanos.
See you in Lithuania on July 28th-31st. Detailed festival line-up and artists presentation as well as the peak behind the scenes will be airing on Instagram: @braillesatellite. Tickets and key information (suck as ways of arrival from any country) can be found on festival website:
Braille Satellite festival facebook event: